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City Kestrels

Panel 1: Text: City Kestrels Image: A city street with trees, a partially boarded-up building, and some people walking around. There are two small silhouettes of birds perched atop the building.

Panel 2: Text: May Image: A male American Kestrel is perched on a wire in front of the boarded-up building.
Panel 1: A street with the NJ Turnpike in the background; there is a tall stadium light with two small silhouetted birds perched on it.

Panel 2: A male and female American Kestrel are perched atop the lights.
Panel 1: Text: June; Image: A kestrel flies by with a grasshopper in its talons.

Panel 2: A kestrel's tail is visible sticking out from behind a board 

Panel 3: The female American Kestrel is perched on a wire outside the boarded-up window and two eyes can be seen within.

Panel 4: Two young kestrels are visible perched in the nest.
Panel 1: Two kestrels perch on the stadium lights and a larger bird flies in. The kestrels are alarmed.

Panel 2: A Red-tailed Hawk swoops at the kestrels.

Panel 3: One of the kestrels chases the hawk off.
Panel 1: Two young kestrels look out of their nest.

Panel 2: One of the kestrels sticks its head out.

Panel 3: One young kestrel perches on the ledge.

Panel 4: The young kestrel takes off in flight.

Panel 5: The second young kestrel looks out.

Panel 6: The second young kestrel flies to a tree to join its nest-mate.
The same street as in the first panel; there are now four kestrels perched atop a water tower. One is flapping its wings as it lands.

City Kestrels is included in Pieces: Short Comics.


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