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hourly comics, 2025

Hourly comics, February 1, 2025

A black-and-white ink drawing of a black-and-white cat on a black background; the cat is saying "mrr?" and looks very awake. The time is 4:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing of two cats eating. The text around the tabby cat reads "Earl, 15. - Gets dry kitten food as it's the only thing he'll currently eat" The text around the black-and-white cat reads "Astrid, 2. - Wet food in the bathroom so she doesn't eat Earl's." The time is 5:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a tabby cat sitting on a mat that's on top of a blanket. The text reads "Earl's settled onto his heating pad in front of the radiator after a post-breakfast wander." The time is 6:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing that's divided into two parts. On top is a French coffee press next to two coffee mugs and an English muffin on a plate. The text reads "I make coffee and and English muffin." The bottom drawing is of a woman wearing glasses sitting on a couch reading a book. The text reads "Then a brief, horrifying look at the internet, followed by some time with a book." The book is The Strange Bird by Jeff VanderMeer, but it's pretty illegible in the drawing. The time is 6:00am
A black-and-white ink drawing of a man wearing glasses sitting at a table drinking coffee and looking at a laptop. There is a black-and-white cat on the floor behind him saying "mrr." The text reads "Doug is up and greeted by Astrid." The time is 7:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a man wearing glasses pouring water from a bucket into a bird bath. The text reads "I clean out (with bleach_ the bird bath and refill it." The time is 8:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing of some turkey-tail-like fungus; it basically just looks like a bunch of swirls. The text reads "And check on the fungus growing on the back of the cherry stump. It's perked up a bit after yesterday's rain." The time is 8:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a coffee cup and a muffin that's wrapped in an oversized paper wrapper. The text reads "Coffee & a muffin from the local coffee shop." The time is 9:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing of two Peregrine Falcons perched on branches. The text reads "We check on the falcons. They're perched close together. But the light's harsh and the wind's brutal--it's a quick stop." The time is 10:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a Wild Turkey's head and neck in profile. The text reads "I copy the card from my camera for the first time this year. There are a bunch of photos of turkeys." The time is 11:00am.
A black-and-white ink drawing split in two; the first half is a bowl of pasta and the second is a woman wearing glasses on a couch with a tabby cat snuggled up to her head and a black-and-white cat under the covers near her legs. The text reads "Pasta Leftovers for lunch / Snuggles with Earl on the couch (and Astrid)." The time is 12:00pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a man wearing a baseball cap drilling into the side of a shelving unit. The text reads "Doug is working on shelves in the living room. I'm hovering." The time is 1:00pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a woman with glasses crouched over a tabby cat. She's holding the cat by the scruff and is aiming a pill gun towards his mouth. She's saying "I'm sorry!" and the cat is saying "Mrr?" The text reads "Earl gets his medication (steroids and famotidine). He hates it but he can't see it coming so it's over fast." The time is 2:00pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a woman wearing glasses on a couch looking at a phone. There's a black-and-white cat under the covers next to her. The text reads "Shower and another peek at the internet. This time I try to limit myself to only looking at other peoples' comics." The time is 3:00pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a woman and man sitting at a table eating. The woman says "We need to make garlic mashed potatoes..." and the man answers, "Yeah, these are great!" The text reads "We decide to go out to dinner because it's been months." The time is 4:00pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a house that looks like it is being swallowed up by the plants and trees growing around it. The text reads "On the way home, Doug photographs an abandoned house in the swamp." The time is 5:30pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a Barred Owl sitting in a tree with the moon and Venus visible in the dark sky. The text reads "On the way home, Doug photographs an abandoned house in the swamp." The time is 5:30pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of tabby cat sitting in front of a bowl of food looking a bit confused, saying "Rrow?" The text reads "The cats have dinner. Earl's slow to start but eventually does all right." The time is 6:00pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of a man wearing a winter hat and glasses kneeling on the floor, holding a wand toy. A black-and-white cat is leaping into the air, reaching out for the toy. The text reads "Astrid's playtime. She's quite althletic." The time is 7:00pm.
A black-and-white ink drawing of woman in glasses lying in bed looking at a laptop. The text reads "I watch X-Files till I'm tired enough to go to sleep." The time is 8:00pm.

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