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The 29th of October

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The 29th of October - cover

Image: A drawing of rowhouses surrounded by water.
The 29th of October - page 1

Panel 1: Drawing of four cats floating in a circle. Text: I've had the same dream a few times now. The cats are floating around the bedroom. I have to catch them -- to save them.

Panel 2: Shayna trying to catch four cats that are floating around; a man is asleep in a bed in the background. Text: But I can't. Doug won't wake up...
The 29th of October - page 2

Panel 1: Many overlapping cat, some making sounds like "mewww" and "mauw". Text: More cats appear:

Panel 2: Shayna in bed waking up, with Doug sleeping next to her. There are four cats sleeping on the bed with them. Text: I wake to Doug and the cats sleeping peacefully. But it takes me a minute to remember where we are.
The 29th of October - page 3

Part One: Paulus Hook, Jersey City

Image: A street of rowhouses with people walking by. One has a cane, one person sits on a stoop. A dog is sniffing a spilled drink in the street.
The 29th of October - page 4

Panel 1: Doug and Shayna sitting on a couch in a room with a bookshelf behind them; Doug's looking at a laptop and Shayna's drinking a cup of tea. There are three cats on the couch with them, and a black cat perched behind them. Text: In October, 2011, Doug and I moved into a "garden" (ground floor) apartment in the Paulus Hook neighborhood of Jersey City.

Panel 2: A map showing where Paulus Hook is in relation to Jersey City, the Hudson River, and Manhattan. Paulus hook is very close to the water. There is an outline of what was the original shoreline along with an outline of the shore built out; there's an asterisk that says "our apartment" right on the line where the old shore meets the new fill. Text: Located on the Hudson River, Paulus Hook was the site of a Revolutionary War fort and battle. Like much of downtown Jersey City, parts of it are filled-in marshland.
The 29th of October - page 5

Panel 1: An overhead drawing of a backyard. There's a tree overhanging it, a patio with chairs and a table, and some planter boxes. Text: The main thing we liked about the apartment was its large backyard.

Panel 2: A bird feeder with a cardinal and house sparrow at it. Text: We put out a bird feeder,

Panel 3: Doug and Shayna eating sandwiches in the yard. Text: Ate outside when we could,

Panel 4: Two planter boxes. Text: Planted a small container garden,

Panel 5: garden flowers. Text: And some flowers.
The 29th of October - page 6

Panel 1: A white cat with a black spot on its nose walking on a fence. Text: We had some regular visitors to the yard. (Yes... mostly cats.) "Mustache-cat" liked the fence.

Panel 2: A cat with blue eyes in front of a chain-link fence. Text: "Smoky," a skinny cat, watched from a distance with bright blue eyes.

Panel 3: Two raccoons at night. Text: Two raccoons often set off the motion-sensor light.

Panel 4: A tabby cat meowing next to a patio chair. Text: "Tabby girl*" came and meowed for food. *It's hard to come up with cat names after a while...

Panel 5: A cat curled up taking a nap on the grass, with a fence behind it. Text: But mostly, our visitors wanted a quiet place to be left alone.
The 29th of October - page 7

Panel 1: Shayna looking into an under-sink cabinet. Text: Before our one-year lease was up though, we wanted to move.

Panel 2: Text: Things didn't really get fixed. Drawing of washer/dryer with arrows saying Dryer, 2+ hours, nothing dry; washer, no spin cycle. Drawing of wet corner saying weird mushy patch in living room wall. Drawing of faucet with puddle of water saying leaky faucets (all of them). Drawing of clothes hanging in a closet with weird spots on them saying damp closet wall -- so much mildew.
Panel 3: Overhead of Doug and Shayna eating in the backyard with mosquitoes around them. Text: Thanks to standing water behind the vacant next-door house, mosquitoes were everywhere. Doug: I don't think this bug spray is doing anything.

Panel 4: Shayna trying to cross the street with a car beeping and another car speeding through the crosswalk, though she has the walk signal. Text: Cars taking a shortcut to the Lincoln Tunnel drove dangerously fast.

Panel 5: Doug and Shayna sitting on the couch on their laptops with a cat behind them, surrounded by sounds: "YAAHHHH AAAA WOOOO YEAHHHHH WHOOOOO" Text: Our upstairs neighbors really liked sports. Shayna: Hope the ceiling's ok. Doug: It is... probably.
The 29th of October - page 8

Panel 1: Buildings on a street; the one in the center says "Jersey City Realty." Text: We'd had a tough time finding a place to rent the year before. --How many cats to do you have? --Um, two. Just two.* --Have you considered getting rid of them? --What?! NO. --Okay, okay. Just saying. We had a bit of money saved, so we decided to see if we could buy a place... *We have four.

Panel 2: Cute rowhouses. Text: Bergen Hill. Nice 1880's brick rowhouse, inside missing wiring, kitchen. Bonus: giant roof leak.

Panel 3: Interior with leaking ceiling, leaking radiator, pink light coming from one room. Text: The Heights: Good neighborhood, interior a total disaster. Shayna: Doug... the bathroom is pink.

Panel 4: SHayna poking spots on a wall with a dehumidifier running behind her. Text: Lafayette: Purchased the year before and "renovated," paint covering mildew.

Panel 5: Shayna and Doug in a wood-paneled room. Text: Bergen Hill, again: Wood paneling everywhere, occupied by renters. Doug: I kind of feel bad being here. Shayna: Yep.
The 29th of October - page 9

Panel 1: A thin tuxedo cat standing on a desk on top of some papers, saying, "mrrooww?" Text: In the midst of house hunting, I rescued a year-and-a-half old, deeply troubled cat from a bad home situation.* She was quickly dubbed "Miss Hiss" by me and "Missy" by Doug, who she clearly preferred. *Long story...
The 29th of October - page 10

Panel 1: Doug and Shayna sitting at a desk with the tuxedo cat standing on a computer keyboard, growling at Shayna. The screen shows a vague image that looks like a hurricane. Text: By October 25th, it was clear we had two large problems. Doug: She was good till just now. Shayna: Of course... she hates me.

Panel 2: Tuxedo cat growling and hissing in the foreground with Shayna on the phone in the background. Text: (Shayna on phone) Neither of us can pick her up... she swipes and growls and gets upset if she hears the other cats. I have no idea what to do.

Panel 3: Tuxedo cat swiping at Shayna, saying "rrr." Text: Shayna: Okay, we're bringing her in on the 31st, in the crate if we can't get her in a carrier. Should be fun.

Panel 4: Doug looking at computer in foreground. Shayne and tuxedo cat in background. Doug: So, uh, maybe you should look at this forecast...
The 29th of October - page 11

Panel 1: Black background with text. Text: And there it was: The now-famous weather forecast..." * 

Panel 2: Shayna and Doug looking at the computer; tuxedo cat behind them. Shayna: What the--? Doug: Possible 12-foot storm surge.

Panel 3: Doug and Shayna at computer. Shayna: And the elevation here is... Doug: 6 feet.

Panel 4: Doug and Shayna, with tuxedo cat hissing behind them. Shayna: So, we panic when? Now? Doug: Yeah, probably. Check out this house I found though... Exterior photo only, but it's downtown.
The 29th of October - page 12

Panel 1: Exterior of a small rowhouse, with Doug, Shayna, and a realtor standing outside. Text: On Saturday, October 27th we went to see the house. Realtor: Hi! So, uh, here it is...

Panel 2: Interior drawing showing drop ceiling, cheap laminate floors, plywood radiator covers, drafty windows, shallow mini-closets, and drop ceilings. Text: It wasn't in great condition, but it wasn't nearly as scary as we had expected.

Panel 3: Doug and Shayna standing in the kitchen, looking around. Text: Shayna: Okay, what's wrong in here? Doug: It would appear that there's no fridge.

Panel 4: Realtor standing in a doorway. Text: From the listing and how hard it was to get the keys, I'm kind of surprised this place isn't falling down...
The 29th of October - page 13

Panel 1: Doug and Shayna in the backyard; Shayna's hunched over one of the container gardens. Doug: I liked that house; did you? Shayna: I don't know, I guess? Sure.

Panel 2: Doug and Shayna sitting at the patio table; Shayna has a plant and scissors. Doug: We could barely afford a condo in that area. Shayna: I know. But it's still more than we planned on spending...

Panel 3: Doug and Shayna, still sitting on the patio. Shayna's on the phone. Text: Shayna: So... we'd like to put an offer on the house...
The 29th of October - page 14

Panel 1: Text only: Nothing official had yet been said about possible evacuations, but we had decided to leave Sunday.

Panel 2: A box, a suitcase, and a bag. Text: We packed a little,

Panel 3: Backyard with tabby cat looking at two plates of food, saying, "mew?" Text: And put some food out for Tabby Girl. Smoky hadn't come by in a bit.

Panel 4: Gus the cat in a carrier, looking upset and saying "rrrrr." Text: Then: our cats. Gus.

Panel 5: Joey the cat in a carrier, saying, "eeoooowwww." Text: Joey.

Panel 6: A very small black cat in a carrier, being quiet. Text: Tiny scared Kevin.

Panel 7: Shayna holding Earl Grey, a tabby cat, who looks wide-eyed and stressed, and is clutching her shoulder and saying, "Mau?" Text: And poor, panicky Earl Grey. Shayna: I'm sorry, Earl...
The 29th of October - page 15

Panel 1: Doug, Shayna, and Shayna's father loading up two cars; there are cat carriers on the sidewalk, as well as the tuxedo cat hissing in a trap. Text: My father drove out to pick up Miss Hiss; we took the other four. Dad: Why's she in a trap? Shayna: I tried a carrier.. and failed.

Panel 2: Cars entering the highway heading away from Jersey City. There are signs for the Pulaski Skyway, Kennedy Boulevard in Jersey City, and the New Jersey Turnpike. Cat sounds are coming from a car: "Mrow maue mrrooowwwww" Text: ... and we were off.
The 29th of October - page 16 

Image: A quiet suburban home with shutters and a brick chimney surrounded by trees. Text: Part two: Suburbia, New Jersey
The 29th of October - page 7

Panel 1: Three cats hiding under a futon, and one looking out a window. Text: We set the cats up in a spare bedroom at my parents' house.

Panel 2: Tuxedo cat sitting on a window shelf. Text: Missy/Miss Hiss went to the basement, far from the others upstairs.

Panel 3: A cardinal and some house sparrows at a bird feeder with the tuxedo cat watching from inside. Text: She quickly discovered the backyard bird feeders -- we'd never seen her so happy.
Panel 4:
Panel 5:
The 29th of October - page 18

Panel 1: Doug and Shayna. Shayna: I guess... good luck?

Panel 2: Text only: My work had preemptively closed for Monday but Doug was expected to be in. So once we were settled in, he drove back to Jersey City.

Panel 3: Dressers with books, boxes, and a vacuum cleaner piled on top of them. Text: He packed a few more boxes and moved some things up higher.

Panel 4: Doug in bed, alone. Text: And then went to sleep in the quieter-than-ever-before apartment.
The 29th of October - page 19

Panel 1: A view looking down the tracks at Hoboken Terminal: water is creeping up, filling up the trackbed. Text: Monday morning, things were off to a bad start. Doug was sent to work in Hoboken; soon after he arrived, the train terminal began to fill with water. Any hope that the storm might not bring a surge with it quickly evaporated.
The 29th of October - page 20

Panel 1: View of the street in Paulus Hook, with a police car driving by. Doug is walking out to the car carrying a box. The police car is blasting, "Please evacuate all low-level dwellings. Bring your pets with you to designated shelters." Text: Doug made a last trip to the apartment that afternoon after work.

Panel 2: Text only: We hadn't been part of the "official" evacuation area but we were finally told to leave. Mass transit was shut down. Some people put out sandbags and boarded up windows.

Panel 3: Exterior of a home with sandbags piled up in front of the door and wall and with plywood over the bottom part of a window.

Panel 4: And image of a train signal tower next to train tracks. Text: He then drove back to work (on high ground), and prepared to stay the night.
The 29th of October - page 21

Panel 1: Shayna lying in bed, on her laptop, with two cats on the bed with her. Text: I spent most of Monday on the internet. "Hurricane Sandy set to lash NJ with unprecedented fury" "County by county evacuations, flooding, closings on Monday" "Mandatory evacuations ordered for some residents in coastal areas"

Panel 2: Suburban street, dark, with trees blowing violently in the wind, and a green and purple glow in the distance. Text: The wind picked up as it got dark. At around eight, the power went out. The only light came from electric transformers exploding in the distance.
The 29th of October - page 22

Panel 1: Night: a power plant glows purple and a purple fire can be seen. Electrical wires are overhead. Text: Meanwhile in Jersey City, Doug watched a purple fire that had started at a nearby power plant.
The 29th of October - page 23

Panel 1: Dark water, looking like wind is hitting it. A fence and tree are sticking up out of it. Text: Doug was getting updates on our building from our fourth-floor neighbor, Graham. Around midnight, he texted to say the backyard was filled with water to the top of the fence.

Panel 2: Shayna sitting up in bed, texting with Doug. Shayna: Glad we left... Doug: Yeah, what a nightmare. Shayna: I don't think the cats would have enjoyed a swim. Doug: I'll try to go by there tomorrow...
The 29th of October - page 24

Panel 1: A house with a downed tree, in two pieces, lying across it. The porch is crushed and the rest of the house is damaged. Text: Enough roads were closed Tuesday that I didn't even try to get back to Jersey City, so I wandered a bit. Two nearby houses had had trees fall on them.

Panel 2: A worker in a cherry-picker working on moving a tree that's fallen on a house. There's a pile of branches and caution tape in front of the house. A small crowd is looking at it and a police officer is saying, "Nobody hurt, at least. I'm sure you heard about the people that were crushed in their car by a tree..."
The 29th of October - page 25

Panel 1: Doug standing in the hallway of the apartment. There's an obvious water line that's almost at the top of the doorways. The laundry room door is open and some chairs and garbage are in the hall. The apartment door is open, but all you can see inside is a big pile of stuff. Text: Doug on the phone: I finally got the door open. It's... the water line's pretty high. It's really dark and it smells... the windows won't open. Hopefully we can both get here tomorrow... I think just about everything got wet.
The 29th of October - page 26

Panel 1: Text only: After a long, roundabout trip I made it back to Jersey City on Wednesday (Halloween). By then, several of our friends had arrived and were helping Doug.

Panel 2: Amy, looking worried and tying up a black garbage bag, and Shayna standing outside the building. Amy: We'll stay out here so you can look around in there...

Panel 3: Shayna looking into the dark apartment. The shelves on the bookcases have tipped, and most of the furniture is flipped over.
The 29th of October - page 27

Panel 1: Sean and Amy going through things, wearing gloves. Text: We had a lot of help.

Panel 2: Shayna looking at some boxes that are stacked on top of a bookcase. Text: We saved anything that was dry or that we could possibly clean. Shayna: I think the stuff on top is okay...

Panel 3: Text only: Wednesday through Saturday were essentially the same: driving, sorting, throwing things out, looking for food.

Panel 4: Doug holding up a damaged Wacom box, showing the side with the serial number stickers. Text: We also photographed everything -- unlike many, we had flood insurance. Doug: Make sure you get the serial number.

Panel 5: Doug and Shayna in line at Two Boots Pizza. Text: Almost nowhere local had power, and food deliveries weren't arriving. Worker: We can only do one slice each for whoever's here.
The 29th of October - page 28

Panel 1: Text only: Each day we worked until we were too tired to keep going-- usually sometime around mid-afternoon.

Panel 2: Piles of garbage, with some obvious things like dresser drawers, a lamp, a speaker, and a folding table.

Panel 3: Text only: Jersey City was strangely on top of making extra trash pickups, so we never were at a loss for space.

Panel 4: Image of the same place the garbage had been piled up, empty other than an empty can, a spilled cup of coffee, a plastic bag, and a few leaves.
The 29th of October - page 29

Panel 1: The crowded interior of Barcade in Jersey City. There are neon signs and people hanging out. Doug and Shayna are standing with a beer each. Text: We also weren't at a loss in finding a place to have a drink after the long, stressful days... though last call came at 5:30pm because of a citywide 7:00pm curfew that had gone into effect.
The 29th of October - page 30

Panel 1: Text only: Doug took up residence on our friend Sue's couch, while I was shuttled back and forth daily between Jersey City and my parents' home. 

Panel 2: Doug in a sleeping bag on a couch, on his laptop. Sue's cat, Agnes, is sleeping on the couch.

Panel 3: Shayna standing by a washer and dryer, holding a load of laundry. Text: After the power came back on Thursday, I spent my evenings doing load after load of laundry, seeing what clothes could be saved.

Panel 4: All four cats eating in a circle. Text: The cats had calmed down and seemed to be doing fine.
The 29th of October - page 31

Panel 1: Shayna in the backyard, with bags of garbage and a messed up dresser. The tabby cat is at the fence, saying "mrow." Shayna: How is there still so much stuff left?

Panel 2: Text only: Though we were far from finished with clearing out the apartment, we had to return (somewhat) to reality.

Panel 3: Shayna, wearing knee-high boots, leaning down and giving the tabby cat treats. Shayna: I'm sorry, Tabby-Girl, we're not going to see you here anymore. I'm so glad you're okay though...

Panel 4: Doug and Shayna at a restaurant, with the bill on the table. Doug: We'll just stay at Sue's till we figure something out.

Panel 5: Fortune that says "Relish the transitions in your life -- they will happen regardless." Shayna: I know; I just hope the cats will be okay... Doug (after reading the fortune): Ha ha.
The 29th of October - page 32

Panel 1: Image of rowhouses with the Sixth Street Embankment behind them; trees are growing on the embankment. Text: Part 3: Harsimus Cove, Jersey City
The 29th of October - page 33

Panel 1: Text only: Sue lives in Harsimus Cove, a historic district of rowhouses located just far enough inland to have been spared from the flood. The four cats (Missy stayed with my parents for the time being) and I arrived late Sunday.

Panel 2: Overhead map of Jersey City showing Harsimus Cove, Hamilton Park, and Paulus Hook.

Panel 3: A room with bed, a clothes rack, and the four cats. Text: We set the cats up in a spare bedroom.
The 29th of October - page 34

Panel 1: A room with shelves with CDs and other things stacked on them. Earl Grey is walking on one of the shelves and Gus is looking up, saying "Mauw?" Text: ... as well as a small adjoining room which required inspection.

Panel 2: Side view of a closed door; on one side is Agnes, Sue's cat; she's sniffing at the door. On the other, Gus, Earl Grey, and Kevin are looking on. Gus looks a bit angry and is saying "rrrr." Earl Grey is wide eyed and Kevin is perched higher up. Text: We kept our guys contained because we worried they'd get lost or just into trouble if they had access to the rest of the house. Agnes was curious while ours were a bit worried.
The 29th of October - page 35

Panel 1: Sue's living room. Sue, Doug, and Shayna are sitting on a couch. Sue's drinking tea and Doug's looking at his laptop. Text: Downstairs. Sue: So, back to work tomorrow? Shayna: Yes, unfortunately.

Panel 2: Doug's laptop screen, with an email that says "Take good photos. Include for each item:" Text: Doug: Even more fun: I just got the spreadsheet we need to fill out for the insurance.
The 29th of October - page 36

Panel 1: A street of rowhouses in Harsimus Cove; Shayna is walking down it along the Embankment.

Panel 2: Farther down the same street, where the embankment ends and Newport (with tall buildings) begins.
The 29th of October - page 37

Panel 1: Overhead view of the Newport waterfront, with tall buildings, and a ferry pulling up to a pier. There is a long line of people snaking from the pier, around the buildings.

Panel 2: A very dense line of people; Shayna is standing in it, wearing the knee-high boots still.

Panel 3: Shayna sitting outside on the ferry (which is packed).
The 29th of October - page 38

Panel 1: A ferry full of people crossing the Hudson River from Jersey City to Manhattan. A Ring-billed Gull flies in the foreground
The 29th of October - page 39

Panel 1: People boarding buses that say "ferry" on the front.

Panel 2: Shayna sitting in a subway car. The train is marked "D": Norwood, Bronx / 205 St. and Coney Island.

Panel 3: Shayna exiting the subway at the Bedford Park Blvd. Station and walking by a street sign that says Grand Concourse.

Panel 4: Shayna walking down a street in the Bronx; the signs say Allen Cleaners and Hardware.
The 29th of October - page 40

Panel 1: Exterior of a small shop; the awning reads Nick's Garden Coffee Shop. 

Panel 2: Shayna drinking a coffee in a paper cup with her eyes closed. Text: I made it to the coffee shop near work at 9:30 -- the trip had taken more than twice as long as my usual already-very long hour-and-a-half commute. After the past week, that $1 coffee in the Bronx was about the best thing ever.
The 29th of October - page 41

Panel 1: Drawing of the library building at the New York Botanical Garden. 

Panel 2: Text only: Work was near-normal. The Bronx is mostly high and rocky so damage there came from wind. Other than downed trees, the main issue there was the sudden scarcity of gasoline -- which no longer was troubling New Jersey (though the week before it had been quite a problem).

Panel 3: Shayna's office at work, talking to her co-worker. He's working on a large copy stand and there's a book open to be photographed. Co-worker: Oh, mostly ho-hum here... they said they lost a hundred trees; the forest paths are all closed...
The 29th of October - page 42

Panel 1: Text only: We also got some news on Monday -- after one time back and forth, our offer on the house was accepted... which meant there was a lot to do.

Panel 2: Shayna sitting outside on a rock, talking on the phone. A hawk is landing on a light pole. Text: Many lunchtime calls to the lawyer, realtor, and bank followed. Shayna: Hi, I'd like to make an appointment. 

Panel 3: Close-up of the Red-tailed Hawk sitting on the light pole. Text: A young resident Red-tailed Hawk listened in.

Panel 4: A Metro North train pulling into the Botanical Garden station; Shayna stands on the platform.

Panel 5: text only: I also started taking Metro-North to Grand Central after work -- what used to feel like a time-saving but unaffordable luxury now seemed like a necessity.
The 29th of October - page 43

Panel 1: Shayna standing on the platform at the crowded Grove Street PATH station in Jersey City. Text: At any rate, the PATH train started running limited service on Tuesday, so I only had to take the ferry that first day back at work.

Panel 2: Text only: We met with a mortgage officer in a coffee shop because it felt weird doing so at Sue's house.

Panel 3: Doug and Shayna at a table in the front of Dame's Coffee Shop in Jersey City with a mortgage officer: "When do you want to close -- this year? Let's put down the 31st and see what happens..."
The 29th of October - page 44

Panel 1: Doug and Shayna sit in a booth at Box restaurant in Jersey City with menus in front of them. Text: We went out to eat more than we ever had before.

Panel 2: Doug and Shayna sitting at White Star having a beer. Doug: The usual? Shayna: I guess.

Panel 3: Shayna, still at White Star, holding a menu: Is it wrong that all I want is tofu and mushroom piccata?

Panel 4: A pot of food on a stove. Text: It just felt invasive to get too comfortable in someone else's kitchen. Doug did make some one-pot "home"-cooked dinners.
The 29th of October - page 45

Panel 1: A few people standing on the waterfront walkway at Liberty State Park. There are stones and pavers all over the walkway. Doug stands to the side with garbage bags. People in the distance on the lawn also have garbage bags.

Panel 2: Text only: Saturday, November 17: We went to a cleanup effort at Liberty State Park, which had flooded. Garbage -- mostly plastic bags and bottles -- had washed up everywhere and rocks used as riprap covered the waterfront walkways. 

Panel 3: Shayna's hand holding up a damaged photo of an empty room. Text: Our strangest find that day was a photograph that had apparently washed up from nearby Ellis Island.
The 29th of October - page 46

Panel 1: Shayna sitting at a desk at Sue's house with a laptop open to a spreadsheet and some folders on the desk. There is a laundry basket on the desk and Gus and Earl Grey are sleeping on top of the laundry. Shayna, on the phone: "Really? Yeah, any time."

Panel 2: Text only: At the beginning of the last week of December we got a call from the lawyer -- the bank had cleared us and we were scheduled to close on the houe on December 31st.
The 29th of October - page 47

Panel 1: A street of small, ornate rowhouses. Text: Part Four: Hamilton Park, Jersey City
The 29th of October - page 48

Panel 1: A large flatiron building in Journal Square, Jersey City. Text: And so we went to our New Year's Eve closing.

Panel 2: Shayna and Doug at a table with paperwork and blue pens in front of them. Shayna is sniffling and looks out of it. Text: I'd come down with a bad cold, so signing was through a haze of decongestant. Doug: Sure you're okay? Shayna: Mhm...
The 29th of October - page 49

Panel 1: Text only: As soon as we got back from the closing we started moving things to the house: storage bins of clothes, our minimal kitchen stuff, cat furniture and supplies, and finally the cats (meowing away).

Panel 2: A room with a cat scratcher and a pile of closed plastic bins. Gus is sniffing a cat scratcher and Joey is sitting in the foreground with his eyes closed.

Panel 3: A bed set up with two cat tails sticking out from under it: Earl Grey's and Kevin's. Text: A friend with a pickup truck helped bring over the bed we'd been using at Sue's.
The 29th of October - page 50

Panel 1: Shayna sitting up in bed reading a book, with a box of tissues next to her. All four cats are curled up on the bed.

Panel 2: Text only: I skipped the New Year's party we were planning on attending. Doug went to it but came home just before midnight.

Panel 3: Shayna and Doug standing in front of the bed, clinking two bottles of beer together. Shayna: Glad that's over. Doug: Me too.
The 29th of October - page 51

Panel 1: Text only: A few days after we moved into the house -- and after a mail mix-up -- we got a flood insurance check for our 1,300 spreadsheet items, depreciated about 25 percent. 

Panel 2: Shayna, opening an envelope packet: Okay, it's made out to us.

Panel 3: A room with a bookshelf, small stand with a record player on it. On the bookshelf are glass insulators (washed), records (mostly) hadn't gotten wet, books (saved), and a file box that hadn't gotten wet. Gus is sleeping on a cat bed on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. Text: We bought some furniture and picked up the things we'd saved and stored at parents' homes.
The 29th of October - page 52

Panel 1: Earl Grey and Kevin sitting on the stairs. Text: The cats adjusted to the house (and its stairs) quickly, all things considered.

Panel 2: A dinner table set with two plates of food and glasses of wine. Text: We replaced some cookbooks and kitchen things and began eating at home (pictured is my much-missed piccata).

Panel 3: Doug and Shayna walking into White Star. Text: We look forward to our nights eating out again.

Panel 4: Shayna exiting the PATH train at 14th Street in Manhattan. Text: Side note: I no longer work in the Bronx; my commute is a half-hour.

Panel 5: The tuxedo cat sitting with two toys on either side of her. Text: Miss Hiss -- now Bear -- lives with my parents.

Panel 6: Doug and Shayna sitting on a couch, smiling. Gus sits partly on Shayna's lap, Kevin sits between them, Joey is curled up with Doug, and Earl Grey is sleeping behind Doug's head. Text: Things have returned to feeling normal.

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The 29th of October is included in Pieces: Short Comics.

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