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thirsty wasps

An 8-panel black-and-white comic about wasps visiting a bird bath.

panel 1: a wasp flies up to a bird bath. The text reads, "In summer, especially if it hasn't rained much, wasps visit our 'bird' baths."

panel 2: a wider view of the wasp approaching the bird bath, surrounded by plants. Text: "They prefer the copper bath."

panel 3: A close-up view of a wasp in flight. Text: "I usually only see one wasp at a time approach it..."

panel 4: A close-up of a differently shaped and colored wasp in flight. Text: "A lot of different kinds come."

panel 5: A close-up of yet another wasp, perched on the edge of the bird bath. Text: "They delicately land on the edge"

panel 6: The wasp from the previous panel is still on the edge of the bath, leaning its head to the water. Text: "... and lean in to take a sip."

panel 7: A wider view of the wasp flying away from the bird bath. Text: "Then—off they go."

panel 8: The same wide view as panel 7, but with one wasp approaching as the other flies off. Text: "Followed by the next thirsty wasp."

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